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Beaded Purple White Flower

I made this beaded purple white flower a couple of years ago.

What would you make with it: a pedant or a brooch?

I know many other accessories can be made with a beaded flower, but I decided to make a pendant.

My experience making flowers was minimal back then. I used the brick stitch following a scheme pattern without instructions.

Another factor that played an important role was the seed beads. I decided to use vintage seed beads I have purchased before. It was hard to predict how exactly these seed beads look in the petals. The beads were inconsistent in size but beautiful. I felt I might waste my time making the whole flower, which might not look good enough for me to use in any jewelry item.

I was wrong. Well, partially.

These vintage beads looked totally ok when woven together. Yes, working with was a bit strange: one moment, I was happy about the petal, and the next, I was hating it.

Svetlana - owner and designer of Svetlana.Gallery
Svetlana – owner and designer of Svetlana.Gallery

In the end, I realized that the inconsistent size of the beads is not visible from a distance.

What is visible, the unique color and finish of them. I even wore my flower pendant when taking a photo for this website About page. Be the judge, and tell me how it looks!

For the center, I used a bezeled 14 mm Rivoli.

The idea to decorate the center with glass pearls came to me later. I wish I would plan this pendant better. However, I think it was a nice experience trying out the brick stitch and making a flower at the same time.

This year I returned to the flower project. This time I am using another stitch and the modern beads. You can watch my progress on my Instagram or Facebook page. The completed flower will be part of the future blog post, of course. Stay tuned!

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